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The SV4GD (Structural Variation for Genetic Diseases) aims at providing a comprehensive annotated reference resource for the clinical and molecular research. It combined overall storage, classification, and annotation of SVs, and description of genetic alterations and clinical information of human diseases in a large number of relevant literatures, making it easily for different data to form effective comparisons between records and fields or within them. This database compiles over 10,000 records of germline structural variants (CNVs and other types of SVs) from 58 human neoplastic diseases and 232 non-neoplastic genetic diseases manually retrieved from nearly 300 publications, including 2,695 Disease-Related SVs, and other 7,610 SVs detected from patients.


How to Explore


Users can browse SVs of Neoplastic disease and Non-neoplastic genetic disease.


Users can search SVs by inputting disease names and/or genomic coordinate.


Users can download all/selected manually curated SVs of human genetic diseases as Excel, XML, and JSON format.


This module shows statistic information of variants, diseases, patients, and publications.


Users can review the guideline before exploring the database again.

Statistical Information

Record Number of SV
Items Neoplastic disease Non-neoplastic genetic disease Total
Disease-Related SVs 481 2,214 2,695
SVs Detected in Patients 6,749 861 7,610
Total 7,230 3,075 10,305
Release & Version
  • 06/20/2024:

    The SV4GD v1.0 was released.

  • Update:

    SV4GD is expected to be updated quarterly to collect newly published literature and add more query functions as well as visual data analysis tools.